Pyhton developer interview experience at
Recently I was interviewed at renewbuy company for Python developer profile. SO, I’m sharing type of questions asked and interview process.
Total 3 rounds including Online test.
Round 1: Online Test
Online test was easy, one should have very clear understanding of basic python, OOP and Django.
Round2: Python + Coding
Questions were based on Pyhton basics and clear understading of objet reference conept
Q1. What is your reponsibilities in current organisation?
Q.2 Based on my answer, What are inputs to that analytical model?
Q.3 Is that based on CNN or traditional ML algorithms?
Q. How you handle missing values in data and explain why you selected that method for missing value handle?
Q. Have you deployed any ML model using pickle?
Q. What is migrate and migrate completely in django?
Q.4 Write list, tuple, dict,set on Python editor
He asked me to write examples of above data structures with values of my choice.
Q.5 What is basic differene in list and tuple?
Q. Can be modify list inside tuple?
Q.6 Can we use list and tuple as key in dict?
Q.7 What if we create two dictionary having same key and pairs? How is it handled?
Q. 8 Count number of integers in input string.
Q.9 Create pattern as below -
Round 3: Manager
Q1. Tell me about your current work
I had to explain why i want to work as Python developer when my current work is of analysis and modelling.
Q.2 Design custom decorator
I cleared interview but didn’t join organisation due to personal reasons.
Hope it helped you !
Keep reading and good luck for interviews.