Merkle Sokrati interview experience
For Data Analyst and Senior consultant Role
I was inerviewed in January, 2021 for Data Analyst and Senior consultant roles.
Here, I’m sharing inerview process and helpful questions pattern for freshers or anyone having scheduled interviews at Merkle.
Number of Interview Rounds: 2
Round 1: Machine Learning Algorithms
Round 2: Statistics + Machine Learning + Puzzles + Guesstimates + Business Case Study
1st Round
Q1 Brief introduction of me.
Q2 What is difference in Decision tree and Random Forest?
Which one would you prefer and why?
Q Have you explored about clustering algorithms ?
Q- What is formula of Logistic Regression?
Q What is Precison and Recall ?
Q What is Sensitivity ?
Q What is Confusion metric?
Q What metrics are used for Classification types of problem?
Q What is AUC?
Q Which ML algorithms are you familiar with ?
Q What are important factors to consider in K means ?
Q If there is outlier, would it impact cluster ?
Q Tell me about SVM .
Q What is Hyper Plane ?
Q What are kernels in SVM ?
Q Do you know RBF kernel ?
2nd Round
Q Bried introduction.
Q What would you handle first missing value or outliers and why?
Q How to handle outliers?
Q What is Variance Inflation Factor?
Q How would you handle missing values ?
Q How would you select features for model?
Q Why AUC is used ? What is sensitivity and presicion and recall?
Q What ML algortihms are you familiar with?
Q How would you measure performance of logistic regression model?
Q Business Case Study:
How would you increase reveanue of Honda Manufactures if they are not selling cars ? What model would you choose to categorise who will buy car and who will not based on historical base data of Honda. What features you will consider?
Q Rope takes to burn 60 minutes , and you have 45 minutes . How would you manage to burn it completely ?
Q There are 25 horses and 5 tracks , how to decide 1st, 2nd, 3rd winner in minimum time?
Q How to cut cake in 8 pieces in 3 cuts ?
Q How to estimate how many Cup of Tea will be consumed in Lucknow in 1 day?
In my case first round was good and interviewer was also kind and professional. 2nd round went well, interviewer was satisfied and offered the role. But few things disappointed me of 2nd round interviewer. In second round interviewer seemed unprofessional, between interview he stopped me 3–4 times for reasons like clarifying about candidacy, phone calls etc, yawning, asked me to repeat answers 3–4 times not because he couldn’t hear or network issue but he was operating phone while interviewing. He asked me to swith on my camera but he didn’t showed up himself. If anyone who is interviewing please be professional and kind.
Over all experience was Average. Result I was offered role.
I’m open to any questions or suggestion to improve this article. If it helped you and liked reading my experience. Don’t forget to clapp.